Thursday, November 19, 2009

Removing my email form porn mailing?

Hi guys,

One of my friend used my email address to enter some porn website after she runs out of email account to use for free passes. I am regularly disgusted when I open my email because of all the stuff i find in.

How can I remove my email address from porn comapnies mailing lists?

I need to be able to open my email infront of people without being given the look.



Removing my email form porn mailing?
Once you begin to get spam it is next to impossible to stop it. It is started when you post your email address in any public forum or give it to an untrustworthy web site. If you are getting spam from a well known company there will be a link in the email to stop it. Never use the link with unknown companies. It just verifies your address. You can mark email as spam but Yahoo only stops it if there are multiple reports and there is a practical way to do it. If you are using a separate email program with a built in spam blocker use it. Spammers keep changing the FROM addresses and even use the addresses of the people they are spamming. The best advice is protect your address and don't let spam start. Once started there is not much you can do.

Reply:block mail from the e-mail address and make sure you DONT open any e-mails from that address they could be viruses or spyware...
Reply:As someone else has said, whatever you do, don't use the unsubscribe link. This will confirm that your e-mail address is genuine and you will simply get more spam. Spammers in foreign jurisdictions are not subject to the same laws as those in your country and won't unsubscribe you.

I would try to get a new e-mail address - not an easy option if all your contacts know your current address.

Otherwise use some anti-spam software and block every new address. This will still let plenty of spam through unfortunately. These guys are too spohisticated.
Reply:Oh man that sucks .. I would hate to get that kind of stuff..don't all email have a unsubscribe button..anyway goodluck to you !
Reply:when you figure that one out you let me know. good luck
Reply:Web sitesn are required to give a OPT OUT option in thier e-mails.

You will have to open the e-mail up, and at the bottom there should be a link to OPT OUT, or to remove your e-mail address for thier mailinfg list.
Reply:unfortunatly as there are so many out there they pass your email to each and everyone. I get them and i have never been on any!! I also get viagra and lottery mails. if you remove from the mailing list they ask you to retype you address again, this is a trick and ends up confirming the address is genuine. Just delete your bulk folder sorry
Reply:Unfortunetly, you can't. The more you try to get out of it, the more they give your name to other sites and you get more mail.
Reply:Most emails have something on the bottom saying "if you would like to be removed from our mailing list..." then tells you what to do, usually reply to a certain email address
Reply:You run a risk using the remove-me link provided in the email as that could result in more spam. What I would recommend to do is add the email addresses sending you this porn spam to your junk mail list.

Rob is part of:

1 comment:

  1. remove all porn from my spam and email address Why not
